Are you feeling as if you are “out to sea without a rudder”?

Covid seems to have thrown a wrench into our lives, and even today people from many walks of life feel as if they have lost their life's sensed purpose, been made devoid of meaning.
Marcus Aurelius, Ancient Roman Emperor and philosopher extraordinaire once said:
“You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
Do you find yourself increasingly thinking the world has gone bananas?
Do you feel like you are at a crossroad, even multiple crossroads, struggling emotionally and in other ways.
Does it seem to you that all these things are inevitable, that it is the way things are and you are powerless to affect any changes?
A friend remarked they were feeling like a turtle that had flipped on its back, legs flailing having a hard time to get right side up again.
Well… YOU don’t have to feel powerless, not now not ever.
If you’ve answered YES to these questions, then this workshop is for you!
The journey toward self-mastery begins with mastery over our thoughts, for they are the origin of all.
Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism, wrote:
“Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions. Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits. Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your destiny.”
Echoing in the halls of history and time, this concept remains true today.
In this workshop, Kris (channeled by Serge Grandbois) will highlight what is and is not under our control and how to use our own inner resources and mind to make a U-turn and get our life back on track. This presentation will touch upon some of the deeper unacknowledged psychological and philosophical implications involved and how to give your life new direction and new meaning.
Sunday September 24, 2023, 2PM till 4PM EST.
Victorian Garden Medical Spa & Healing Arts Studio
15879 Airport Rd, Caledon East, ON L7C 1J3
Cost: $45 CDN
To register, call or visit:
The Egyptian model river boat image was acquired from Wikimedia. It was marked as Public Domain.