Imagine a life free from limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and fear, where you have the power to actualize your dreams and goals. This vision can be your reality, with our group life coaching program serving as your guide.
Amy Nakamura

Life Changing
“Participating in the mentoring series with Kris has been what I describe as a life changing experience. I don’t mean life changing in the simple way, but life changing, life changing – in the same scope as events like births, marriages, etc. I have worked with Serge and Kris in many different capacities but none have had such an impact as the mentoring series.
Prior to the mentoring sessions, despite years of working with my beliefs and various techniques involving meditation and self awareness, at times I still felt a deep sense of powerlessness and could feel unglued by overwhelming emotions or feelings. I still lacked the knowledge to properly understand what these fundamental elements of life were and what they meant for me. I also felt a sense that I wasn’t living up to my creative potential at home, at work, and in my community.
As Kris and I worked through the mentoring sessions, these problems began to lessen and fade as Kris led me to my own wisdom through his expert guidance. His techniques led me deeper into a place where I could understand my feeling, emotional, and intuitional realms and come to understand the root of my difficulties and write a new story for my life filled with joy and empowerment. Over time this transformed my home and work life into one filled with love and collaboration.
The regular follow-up schedule of the mentoring sessions allowed me to test out the techniques and then get feedback from Kris just a few weeks later. This created a constant system of refinement and a chance to dig deep into the topics of my choice without any fear of judgement like one might see on the psychologist’s couch or in medical settings. If you are ready to learn how to overcome some of your most difficult challenges, I urge you to give the mentoring series Kris is offering a try.
The insights and transformations I was experiencing in the sessions were so deep that I extended and purchased additional packs of the sessions twice. Purchase these mentoring sessions if you want to share in the same amazing transformations that I’ve experienced through these sessions and join me in leaving behind many of your most difficult challenges.”
Daniel Winkle
Connections to Kris
“There are many things in life I value, and there are those few that I value more highly than the rest, one of them being a session with Kris. And then there are game and life changers, like a series of sessions with Kris.
For over 15 years I have been an avid supporter of Serge’s work and the Kris information, and recently, out of necessity due to major personal life disruption events, I felt the urgent need for assistance in finding balance and a greater meaning of my own self awareness, and so I called Serge, after an absence of several years. Immediately on the call one Sunday afternoon last November (2021), it felt like we had been in touch regularly, not missing a beat, and I decided to purchase a package deal of sessions where today, now in early April of 2022, I find approximately half way done.
These four months or so have been nothing short of a blessing in many ways, and the information and help Kris has been providing is helping me to navigate these very challenging times (for various personal reasons) and find a flow I thought I lost just a few and but seemingly long months ago. The objective interactions and energetic connections to Kris during these sessions are deeply personal, at times intensely emotional and simultaneously uplifting, and extremely supportive in a subtle, wonderful way, while being deeply rich in content and fulfillment.
The continued discovery of the Self with a Maestro such as Kris, with his poetic delivery and loving words, along with a superlative sense of humour make my sessions with him the balm my emotional wounds require, no matter how deep or trivial these may seem. Yet it is the energy that is left with me that, over the course of the following week or three (I have chosen to space out my sessions over 3-week periods, as there is lots of processing on my end during this time) as and when needed, bring forth the information I require at that time, as if packets of information are deposited in my awareness to be discovered when I am ready to find and open them. Seems to me a very magical process, which one can enhance by practicing allowance, patience and an endless curiosity for more discovery of the Self.
Kris’ guidance have proved critical during these intensely chaotic times, internally and externally, I cannot recommend or say enough of the superb experience that is a session with Kris. You can imagine, then, what the experience may be like with a whole series of sessions with the magnificent Essence that is Kris.

Law Of Attraction
My life started to change when I discovered the Law Of Attraction. For many years I was a devout follower. And then… along came Kris.
After several years of online courses and private sessions, Kris one day said to me “ You are barely recognizable from the woman we meet several years ago”.
And indeed, I have changed. My life is different. It reflects my deepening knowledge that I have acquired from Kris.
What has been responsible for the feelings of joy I now experience?
The answer: A ‘widening of the lens on the Law Of Attraction’. I now have ever- expanding knowledge of: 'Who Am I’ really?
Where does Reality Creation actually happen?
How does Reality Creation actually happen?
How do I get in my own way when what I see reflected externally is not what I thought I wanted?
Thank you Kris.
Re-frame For Us
Kris is amazing, and is so far removed from what others may think of as "their contemporaries"... in my book- since the year 2002 after just hearing one or two of the then broadcasted International Sessions then my first private session- there ARE no others that deep dive to the heights, depth and breadth of material that They introduce and re-frame for us so we may have the deepest possible understanding of the concepts available to humans. Uncle Seth must be so proud of You and deeply endeared to Kris, as they more than any other, emulate and expand widely upon the introduction to the concepts Seth began to express through Jane and Rob. Thank you SO much for your graceful yet highly passionate sharing of the material! Rocking MY world, that's for sure!
Who I Naturally Am
I have greatly appreciated my months of mentorship with Serge and Kris. They are both wonderfully supportive, gentle and easy to talk to. I came to Kris when I was going through a very tender and painful period of grief and loss in which I had lost my balance in life, and he supported me in finding stable ground again.
I felt that Kris saw and encouraged who I naturally am. He worked with me to expand my thinking and to bring that awareness home into the present moment. He always encouraged self-responsibility and self-mastery in myself—no blaming anyone or anything else. Yet he was compassionate towards those who still need to do that—the “others” in my life, (who aren’t really “others”.)
He emphasized inner truths in consciousness rather than simply using the colloquial way of speaking, and I appreciate that.
Kris offered tons of practical exercises to do and ways to shift perspective, and I tried out every one of them, keeping the ones that I like and that have been helpful. We worked on mastering states of being and Master mindsets.
I know that I’ll continue to use the information that came out of our discussions and that I always have a friend to call on if needed. I’m very grateful for the support that I received and would recommend Kris as a mentor in personal growth, spiritual growth, and expansion of consciousness.
Julie R.

Kudos To Kris
I offer myself as an example of how changes in beliefs affect the physical body.
Five months ago I had a rather serious illness that incapacitated me. At the time I was 190 lbs, had serious asthma issues, could not go down the stairs to my condo without holding on the the railings, and could not climb without gasping for breath.
Now I am jogging 4 to 4.5 miles three times a week. My lungs are clear, and I weigh 168 lbs. I can easily go up and down stairs without holding on to anything.
This is not to mention my more positive outlook on life, and having let go of a job and position that was not benefitting me, and leaving me frustrated and often angry.
I have developed an interest in cooking, where before I only consumed frozen meals.
I am eagerly, if not impatiently, awaiting what may be next in my life experiences. For certain, things had to get worse in my life before I addressed certain things. I now trust myself, even if I don't have any idea of what may be next. And all this with turning 78, when most would expect a decline, which seems no longer to be the case.
So kudos to Kris and the information that has been offered to us all.
Alan J Aspinal
Serge Grandbois has been channeling "Kris" for approximately twenty plus years for individuals and groups and conferences across the U.S. and Canada.
He has appeared at many Seth Conferences from southern California to the Rocky Mountains and east coast as well as other metaphysical gatherings. He is well known and popular in his native Canada. His presentations are not just about the process of channeling but actual sessions where the individual or group has an opportunity to actually experience and interact with the personality speaking through him. Serge Grandbois is always willing to demonstrate the process of channeling. Through the years I have observed how Serge achieved a higher level of consciousness in his channeling with the "Kris" personality.
One is impressed by the quality of information Serge channels; it is not just some platitudes or answers about the stock market. Whether one feels that "Kris" has entered into flights of fantasy or is speaking divine Truth, his words are provocative.
Serge often utilizes his channeling ability in healing sessions, assisting the client to identify his/her own inner belief that may need attention or action that would be beneficial. He encourages us all to listen within more often to our own higher selves.
Helen V. Walker is a Doctor of Science of Mind and Mental Cybernetics, and the founder of The Esoteric Truth Center, the Rocky Mountain Seth Conferences, and the Rocky Mountain Mystery Correspondence School. She has lectured widely at Seth and Metaphysical Conferences in USA and Canada. She makes her home in Englewood. CO. Helen passed away some years ago now and she is still missed.
Helen Walker
My session with Kris - July 10, 2023 (channeled by Serge Grandbois) provided me with information and insights into long-held difficulties and life challenges, and gave me a clear roadmap for how to move forward. Kris is direct, kind, humorous and patient - and full of excellent and intelligent guidance. He is seemingly able to sense background information to situations, since he addressed my questions in their proper context (which was not given by me). The session left me feeling lighter, more hopeful, and more at ease than I’ve felt in some while. It was a worthy investment in myself, and one that I will repeat whenever needed.
With great appreciation,
Allison H.