“Instead of looking at the world as if it is something that you must endure until the day you are buried, look at it as living art, that you are the artist, you are the sculptor, the painter, the poet of that particular reality. And it may indeed strike a different chord.
Next time you gallivant about the neighbourhood, you travel somewhere, think of it as you are creating poetry, you are creating art through your senses, you are transforming energetic patterns into form in one way or another. You might not all be Leonardo da Vincis, but you are certainly artists. That is what reality creation is about.
It is not about fighting yourself every inch of the way, trying to understand how you do this. It is about doing it so that you can consider even for a moment that you are all very brilliant artists. But you have never allowed yourself to appreciate your own art form. Because normally you exist on a platform of self-disapproval. You might think you can never do anything right. Everything I do is messed up. But instead, switch. Flip that switch around and look at it differently.
Even things that may appear as a struggle or a challenge, this is to enable you to tap deeper into the artist within you. It requires a different kind of mindset that says, “Yes, I am creating something I don’t yet understand, but I intend to see it through to its most obvious conclusion, which is a reflection of the beauty of my poetry. That will enable you to stop fighting your own best interest.”
2-7-Cosmic-Mindset-July-3-2023 image by MidJourney