In celebration of our new channelingkris.com website, we are offering our incredible Phoenix Mentoring Program with Kris at an astounding 50% off. Check the prices below. This is a unique offer never to be repeated. Select either the 6 or 12 Mentoring Sessions of your choice and get ready to change your life.
Regular prices =
6 sessions $1000
12 sessions $2000
Now 50% off, with 3 easy payment options each. Select your Paypal button at the bottom to reserve your sessions.
Ellie's Story
Personal Empowerment - Its Already In You
Ellie found herself standing at the crossroads of life at 45. With her daughter in college and her husband engrossed in his interests, she felt a growing void. Once passionate about her career in Real Estate, Ellie now felt disconnected, disempowered and wondered if it was time to move on.
After much introspection Ellie came to a realization: her life had been a series of decisions made to please others, especially her family. She wondered if there was more to her identity than meets the eye. Ellie instinctively recognized that she was at a crossroads, and it was something she had not anticipated.
Ellie’s dilemma is not uncommon. Psychologists such as Carl Jung and Erik Erikson have explored the concept of a “true self” and a “shadow” or “false self.” The “shadow” encompasses suppressed emotions and desires that society deems negative. Jung believed that ignoring this side of our personality consumes our energy and creativity. Similarly, Erikson’s “identity crisis” suggests that we might unknowingly adopt characteristics and make choices that do not truly reflect who we are.
Donald Winnicott further expanded on this by discussing how, from an early age, individuals often develop a “false self” as a defence mechanism in response to perceived expectations and threats. The more one relies on this façade, the more disconnected they become from their “true self.”
For Ellie, ignoring her shadow side had taken a toll on her mental health. However, she discovered that embracing this repressed side was not necessarily negative. It became a catalyst for self-renewal. Ellie began documenting her dreams and confiding in her husband, who unsurprisingly was also dealing with a similar issue. This process of self-exploration led them both to reevaluate their careers and communicate more openly with those around them, including standing their ground in discussions with their family.
Are you, like Ellie, feeling disconnected, disempowered or unfulfilled in aspects of your life? It’s essential to recognize that identity exploration is a continuous journey. There is merit in introspection and embracing the various dimensions of our identity, even those we have pushed aside.
Take time to reflect, document your thoughts, and engage in meaningful conversations with those close to you. It’s never too late to rediscover your passions and make changes that resonate with your true self.
This is where Kris’ Phoenix Power Program comes in. Kris’ gentle yet timeless wisdom makes the re-connection process an adventure to new worlds and into the depths of your being. Not only will this lead to a deeper understanding of yourself. It sets the stage for a new sense of Self and empowerment, paving the way for newfound creativity, satisfaction, and fulfillment in life.
Such a powerful, life changing program is bound to be rooted in Mindfulness Practices:
“Mindfulness is the gentle art of embracing the present moment with an open heart and a welcoming soul. It’s a serene journey where your consciousness dances in harmony with the world around you. It’s the whisper of the breeze, the rhythm in a heartbeat, and the ephemeral beauty in a single breath. As your awareness blossoms like a flower greeting the morning sun, you tenderly acknowledge your emotions, thoughts, and whispers of your being. It is a sacred space where self-compassion and acceptance cradle you, and in this tender embrace, you find peace and tranquility. Mindfulness is an intimate waltz with life itself, painting the canvas of your experiences with shades of grace, presence, and love.” ~ Kris
The Phoenix Mentoring Program
🔥The Phoenix Power: Inner Renaissance with Kris 🔥
Do you find yourself increasingly thinking the world has gone bananas?
Do you notice fears and manipulations of all kinds thrown at you and feeling disempowered?
A friend remarked they were feeling like a turtle that had flipped on its back, legs flailing having a hard time to get right side up again.
Do you feel like you are at a crossroad, even multiple crossroads, struggling emotionally and in other ways.
Does it seem to you that all these things are inevitable, that it is the way things are and you are powerless to affect any changes?
Well… YOU don’t have to feel powerless, not now not ever.
There are many alternative approaches and narratives available and one such empowering approach is offered here.
Are you ready for a delightful partnership in self-discovery?
Embark on the Phoenix’s Path to Shed Your Shadows and Unlock Your Infinite Potential.
Like the Phoenix that rises from the ashes, reborn and renewed, you too can experience a renaissance of the soul through the Inner Renaissance Program with Kris. A transformative journey to self-rediscovery, fulfillment, and empowerment, that also addresses the inner struggles that often go unnoticed.
– Are you, like Ellie, standing at life’s crossroads, disconnected from your true self?
– Have the choices you made in life feel like they were for someone else’s script?
– Is your spirit encased in the shadows, yearning for the metamorphosis to take to the skies?
– Are the ashes of doubt, societal expectations, and fear smothering the fire within?
Our Phoenix Power Mindset Mastery With Kris is the sacred flame, guiding you to peel off the layers that have veiled your true self. This is your sanctum for self-mastery and shedding the shadows.
Envision a life reborn, soaring above the limiting beliefs, societal pressures, and self-doubt. Picture your spirit, ablaze with passion and purpose, unshackling the bonds and illuminating the skies with limitless possibilities. Our group life coaching program is the crucible in which you forge your new identity.
Grasp the ember of transformation with our Inner Renaissance Program, infused with Kris’ wisdom.
Have the whispers of the world and echoes of the past, entangled and dimmed your inner light?
Does a deluge of societal manipulation and media turmoil cause your spirit to waver?
– Ellie, like many others, once stood at the crossroads, draped in shadows, seeking illumination.
Do you wish to uncover and integrate the aspects of yourself that have been submerged?
The Phoenix within you calls for an inner renaissance.
You’ve donned the garb of habits and societal expectations for so long that they’ve become a heavy armour. The time has come to cast off the old, and embrace the fire of transformation. Let the ashes be the bedrock for your rebirth.
Like the Phoenix, rise from the ashes with a renewed sense of identity, free from the shadows that once bound you. Embrace the power that has always been within you. Spread your wings – New self. New life!
Numerous paths lead to the skies, but the path of the Phoenix is radiant.
Begin your ascent on this sacred spiral of self-mastery with the wisdom of Kris, a seasoned guide, and get ready to take flight.
Welcome to the Inner Renaissance Program with Kris – where shadows are shed, true selves are rediscovered, and your Phoenix spirit takes flight.
This is by far one of the boldest and most interesting development Kris has launched in the Fall of 2021. It has proven to be an empowering experience for those who have already participated.
All you need is Zoom available for free from zoom.us and a webcam/mic or headset. These sessions are much more than personal sessions. They are offered to facilitate deep and lasting changes to your mindset in a manner that helps transform your experience of life, and specifically, that transform your life.
The 1 payment options are paid up front.
The 2 payment options are paid as follows: 1st payment up front, 2nd payment halfway through.
The 3 payment option are paid as follow: 1st payment up front, 2nd payment before session 5 and the last payment before session 10.