The Wisdom of The Stars
As far as I can remember, Kris has always begun a discussion with:
Kris: Indeed, we trust that you are comfortable.
Brian: We are!
Kris: And we thank you for your consideration.
Brian: And we thank you for your consideration, Kris.
Here Kris addresses why he does this:
Kris: As long as you also take into consideration your own innate wisdom. That is far more important than ourselves. We are, in a manner of speaking, but a simple messenger if you like, that makes a concerted effort to convey information that seeks to awaken that wisdom and knowledge that already resides within you. It is the same wisdom and knowledge that flows through the billions upon billions of stars in the firmament, that animates the multiple sun planets and moons throughout the galaxies, that invites the flow of water and air so that you can drink and breathe.
It is the same wisdom and knowledge that speaks through the very atoms and molecules found within the tissues of your body and weaves together an incredible tapestry of wonderment; a wonderment that often escapes the human being when they are caught up in various kinds of conflicts. And in this way, the idea is to awaken within you that spark of that knowledge and wisdom to complete your being in terms that you can understand. So you are in effect, a physicalized song and story and tapestry all in one of that eternal wisdom that abides throughout the known and unknown universes for you to tune into.
KRIS – Conversations with Kris #6 – September 8, 2021 – © Serge Grandbois