

KRIS: … No amount of worry, anxiety, self disapproval, self-directed guilt and shame has ever altered the behavior of an individual towards something more worthwhile. It simply reinforces the negative side of the thought processes themselves. It simply adds more baggage than is necessary. So the more the baggage is added to, the heavier it gets and the more difficult it is to actually function.

And after a while, people just literally collapse under the weight of their own self disapproval and self-defeating beliefs, and that also accumulates self-directed anger, angst, and so many other situations.


So to recognize as quickly as possible that there are certainly many sides to a particular situation can provide almost instant relief, if you like, to provide an alternate construct. For instance, you may see what appears to be an old, half fallen down house. But moving to one side or the other you might indeed recognize that the contrary is quite true that this is only an appearance but the house itself might contain so many beautiful facets, so many beautiful structures, architecture, and so on.

Perhaps much like a conqueror would go into an ancient land and see things they don’t understand so they destroy it without realizing that this may contain information and perhaps even treasure that can help them immensely. So the idea of just taking a brief moment to step back and try to find another angle to the event, condition, or circumstance or object that may appear in the dream can lead to a very different perspective.


And that is very important to keep in mind. Just like someone may have a dream that seems to leave them with a frustrating feeling. Is the dream meant to simply do that, leave you frustrated? Or is it meant to show that you are frustrating your own self, but there are alternatives. But the alternatives can only be realized once you move away from your own frustration.

And truth be told, human beings have a wonderful capacity to be extraordinarily harsh and to beat up on themselves. Again, situations of self disapproval. So that might sometimes be the first thing to look for.

What are you beating yourself up on, and is there a way to see this situation differently? Usually the answer will be yes. And if you allow that, then just stepping aside from your usual perceptions and look for the alternatives, you might greatly surprise yourself, and we highly encourage that.

COSMIC MINDSET II Session # 8 Monday, July 10, 2023 © Serge Grandbois

Image by Midjourney

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