Civilizations of the Self

Civilizations of the Self

KRIS: … you are all an artfully produced holographic projection of your consciousness.  And we do make a distinction between you and your consciousness because you are not your consciousness but you are more than that.  So everything is a living tapestry.  You experience a small section of that tapestry perhaps not realizing that the tapestry itself knows no boundaries.  Even though you yourselves are convinced that there are boundaries to whom and what you are and can be (so very important).  

So it is up to you then to question the reality that your senses perceive and the answers do reveal themselves. There have been for countless ages [many many] other voices, other teachers, other speakers that make it their joy to interact in a variety of forms to prod and seek to awaken within you that spark.  

KRIS: Throughout countless civilizations, that knowledge has been interpreted and reinterpreted in many different ways and yet the core of that knowledge, of that wisdom is never lost.  The civilizations themselves, some so far removed in the kind of historical past that you understand that you would never be able to find them, still sing their collective song and there are other civilizations in your futures that also sing their song. And your present culture listens in one form or another to those songs.  

Civilizations are not just an amalgamation of people and commerce and architecture and arts, but they are a living, breathing song of humanity.  Your song of humanity never diminishes, and in between each breath, those who sing those songs, there are other civilizations that spring forth. Each one a beautiful expression of various aspects of all of the civilizations of the Self.

KRIS – Conversations with Kris #6  – September 8, 2021 – © Serge Grandbois

Image by Midjourney

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