Who's In The Driver's Seat? Empowerment and Self-Determination

This unique 4 Wednesday evening workshop with Kris is a powerful opportunity to delve into the internal barriers that inhibit personal growth and fulfillment, focusing on various aspects that often hold individuals back, along with underlying beliefs at play and ways to challenge and overcome these obstacles. This leads to Empowerment and Self-Determination.

Sign up now and make lasting changes to you life by clicking on the Paypal button below

This presentation by Kris is designed to touch upon the deep and universal aspects of human experience:

  • what forces or beliefs are controlling our lives when we’re not actively making conscious decisions for ourselves.
  • have the power to “take the wheel” in their own lives, steering towards their values and goals despite the obstacles we may face.
  • powerful reminder that, despite the challenges and barriers we may encounter, we have the agency to navigate our paths and direct our lives towards fulfilling our deepest values and aspirations.

Evening 1: Identifying Your Passengers

Main Focus: Understanding Fear, Hesitation, and Self-Doubt

Recognizing the Empty Seat

– Objective: Identify what’s been driving your life when you’re not at the wheel.

Evening 2: The Maps We Follow

Main Focus: Confronting Limiting Beliefs and Defeatist Assumptions

Claiming the Driver’s Seat

– Objective: Understand the importance of self-awareness and decision-making.

Evening 3: Fuel for the Journey

Main Focus: Rebuilding Self-Worth and Embracing Self-Compassion

Navigating Roadblocks

– Objective: Identify common obstacles and fears that prevent taking control.

Evening 4: Choosing Your Destination

Main Focus: Setting Intentions and Embracing Change

Mapping the Journey

– Objective: Setting actionable goals aligned with personal values.

Core Principles Throughout the Workshop:

– Empowerment

– Practicality

– Engagement

– Support

START: Wednesday March 6, 2024 @ 7:30PM EST on Zoom for 4 consecutive Wednesday evenings

COST: $100 US, that’s only $25 per evening – click the Paypal button below and reserve your seat

All sessions are audio recorded and a copy is sent to all participants.

$100 US (1 payment)