The Process of Becoming

dream time help
dream time help

Dreamtime Help

The following is a suggestion Kris offered to the participants this past Monday:

KRIS: Our suggestion, as humble as it is, if you can, write this down or write it down once and read it every night before going to bed, shortly before you fall asleep. Write down that “I am a being that is in the process of becoming. I am in the process of deep inner transformation and my best, most nurturing, loving nature is in the process of coming to the surface. It will embrace and love even those parts of me that I had deemed unlovable, unembraceable, unworthy, so that I can become whole.” 

Just write these things down, reflect on them for a few moments before you fall asleep. And you might even add that, “and I request my dreams to help me embrace this new me, this me in becoming.” Then if you do have any dream recall, write it down the next day. New ideas pop into your mind. Allow the intuitive process of this discussion and all the others to trigger insights, to trigger inner discernment, to trigger inner evolution, leaps of consciousness in your awareness. That is your challenge now.

I am in the process of deep inner transformation and I request my dreams to help me embrace this new me, this me in becoming.”

With that, we return Joseph to your lovely selves and thank you for your golden consideration.

This is what one participant wrote concerning his results using the suggestion:

In this most recent class, Kris gave us a suggestion to read before going to sleep. Kris commented, as usual, for us to record any dreams.

In my view this was an understatement, as both my dreams and my mindsets have been delving deeply into my shadow consciousness. Last evening I went to bed with a feeling that something needed to be addressed. It took me quite a while to even come up with a word to describe the feeling, which I attribute to how deeply the idea was buried. After an intense dream that seemed to both summarize the idea and release it at the same time, I recognized how completely my life had been the result of my attempting to cope with the beliefs of needing to respond to the expectations of others, and the dire results from having done so.

I’m deliberately omitting the actual subject as “your results may vary” from my experience, but the idea remains the same: letting go of beliefs that most of us had from childhood of needing to be acceptable to others. And in fact, the suppression of the true self that results for doing this, leads to limitations and self-punishing behaviours.

In my view, this is exactly what Kris has been discussing, and in this case, my inner self took it to heart.

So, yes, learning about our true nature is an ongoing process, as we never can come to a finished point. It is simply that some discoveries are more impactful than others. Some steps are bigger than others, for certain.



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Monday, July 31, 2023

Channeled by Serge Grandbois in Toronto, Canada

original image from Bing AI Art

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